Will Screens Only Communication Persist When There’s Choice?

A story in the WSJ, Our Zoom Future, asks if people will stick to communicating solely on their screens with family and friends rather than in person in the “new normal” after the pandemic fades? From the indications I have gotten from friends and colleagues and many business interactions, there is a craving for in-person interaction, the sooner the better. Not that a much larger percentage of interactions won’t be carried online than before and more new online platforms be adopted. Many people have or will become more comfortable using online tools.

But the desire for the more fully human-to-human factor and more complete communication brought by being there, touching, and direct transmission of energy will continue to be felt when we are distanced by screens when again there is a choice.

Until we have the choice safely, we will continue to use the best resources we have and learn to use them more skillfully.

I wrote in my mid-April newsletter, the 3 things people are craving now are:

  • Social connection and belonging

  • Wellness – both physical and mental relief from stress

  • Truth-tellers – people who can be trusted to give the straight scoop, even if painful to hear.

Let’s help each other to find those things, become stronger, and build a more caring new normal with reconsidered societal values.